Page 42 - Junior Explorer 6. Podręcznik
P. 42

Street artists

                                                                             Read and listen

                                                                           1   32    Read and listen. Which two
                                                                       European capital cities did Helen visit?
                                                                Last summer, I visited Paris and London. I saw the River
                                                                Seine and the River Thames. I visited the Eiffel Tower
                                                           and the London Eye. But I liked the street artists the most.
                                                            One afternoon in Paris we visited Notre Dame Cathedral.
                                                               When we walked out of the cathedral, it was dark and
                                                                  some people were watching a performance in the
                                                               square. A very talented street performer was dancing
                                                               and juggling with fire! He was giving his performance
                                                           when two policemen arrived. But they didn’t want to stop
                                                               him. They joined the audience and enjoyed the show.
                                                                                               It was spectacular.
                    Guess                                    In London, there were many street artists too. The most
                      What?                                   unusual performers were the living statues in Trafalgar
                                                                  Square. These people dress up as statues and they
         Before he was famous,                                    don’t move. Well, they usually stay still. When I was
          Justin Bieber played                                    looking at one living statue, he moved his arm and
         music in the street and                                           touched me. I jumped, but it was funny!
       earned money because he
        wanted to help his mum.

          2  Read the text again and decide if the sentences   3  Read the definitions of some words from
             are T (True), F (False) or ? (Doesn’t say).          the text. Complete the words. Write the
                                                                  answers in your notebook.
             1 Helen went to Paris and London last

                summer.                                           1  s                            r   (amazing)
             2   The juggler in Paris spoke to                    2  c                      l   (large church)
                the policemen.                                    3  s             e   (figure)
             3  The policemen stopped the juggler.                4  p                      r   (artist)
             4   There weren’t many street artists                5  s       y   s          l   (not move)
                in London.                                        6  d          s   up   ( put on clothes for
             5  A living statue made Helen jump.                                       a special reason)
             6  Helen spoke to the living statue.                 7  s       w    (public performance)

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